Is mijn homepage "Responsive"?


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  1. Type hieronder het adres van uw website in (compleet met http:// of https://)
  2. Druk op Start
  3. Kijk hoe uw website eruit ziet op verschillende apparaten

Over dit programma "Am I Responsive"

A time saving exercise by Justin Avery for RWD Weekly Newsletter

I take a lot of screen shots of the various device breakpoints for responsive design and it takes a while to prepare them. This tools allows me to get what I need quickly, and hopefully it can be helpful for showing your more visual clients what you mean by responsive design when a suite of products isn't at the ready.

This is not a tool for testing, it is really important that you do that on real devices. This instead is a tool for quick screenshots (for me) and to visually allow people to “get” what you mean in client meetings.


1600x992px scaled down to scale(0.3181)
1280x802px scaled down to scale(0.277)
768x1024px scaled down to scale(0.219)
320x480px scaled down to scale(0.219)

A note on the viewports

The viewports I have chosen are based on the devices that were a part of the responsive PSD layout I previously bought, and yes they are all Apple. Apologies to all the Android fans out there, I'm sure a few of you have the “Android has a bigger market share” argument in mind but although you're right I just didn't have that suite of images when I started. If there's enough of a desire I could do a suite of other products, but I'm just not sure if adding those will improve the basic function of the tool.


I offer consultation services about website performance, produce a range of pocket notebooks (including a Solar System Notebook, Space Notebook, Coffee Cup Notebook)and a Guitar Notebook), and run a responsive web design knowledge hub and a Web Design Weekly Newsletter.

I hope that you enjoy this tool as much as I've enjoyed making it and receiving feedback on how it's helped folks or how it could be done better

The website that you're trying to view on Am I Responsive has X-Frame Options set to Same Origin or Deny. This isn't great for the tool, but it is a great thing for a more secure web.